MEDICINE INSTRUCTIONS FOR PATIENTS: Kindly Read The Instructions Carefully.
- For the powder packet - Half an hour before & half an hour after the powder do not eat or drink anything, not even water. For the medicine to act to its fullest this precaution needs to be taken.
- For the Pills 15 minutes before & 15 minutes after the pills do not eat or drink anything, not even water. For the medicine to act to its fullest this precaution needs to be taken
- DO NOT eat mentholated sweets / chocolates. Do not take medicines immediately after brushing as most toothpastes are mentholated. Do not use Vicks, Iodex or any mentholated ointments or balms.
- DO NOT use Camphor/ Kapur in any form in the house. For example, in clothes or in form of any herbal medicines. DO NOT use Eucalyptus/ Nilgiri in any form.
- DO NOT expose the medicines to sunlight. DO NOT refrigerate them.
- DO NOT apply any local applications on your skin. No medicated lotions or ointments or balms or creams to be used. For your skin complaints, if required use Coconut oil, Olive oil or Cows ghee. Non-medicated lotions or moisturisers like Vaseline, Nivea, Ponds, Olay etc. can be used.
- AVOID using strong perfumes or deodorants or cologne. Spray perfume on clothes instead of direct usage on skin.
- AVOID use of raw onion & garlic especially few hours before & after the medicine. Cooked onion or garlic is permitted.
- AVOID black coffee.
- AVOID smoking, tobacco, alcoholic drinks, misri as it will affect the action of the medicine.
- Take the pills in the cap of the bottle & place them directly on the tongue. Do not touch the medicated pills or powder. Place them on the tongue & do not chew them, let them dissolve.
- If by chance you drop the pills, discard them. Do not consume the pills once fallen. Do not reuse the containers as they may carry the previous medicine properties.
- Please tell your practitioner about all drugs, strong herbs, diet pills, birth control pills, etc. that you are taking. Under no circumstances should you stop allopathic drugs without first consulting your physician and informing your homeopathic practitioner.
- Dietary changes if required will be suggested separately.