Spread of Homoeopathy In India

In the year about 1810, some German Physicians and missionaries came to Bengal. They started spreading homeopathic remedies among the local people. Soon, there were many amateurs practicing Homoeopathy in Bengal.

It is not known when Dr. Hoeningberger first came to India but for some years he practiced Homoeopathy in Calcutta. He had successfully treated Maharaja Ranjit Sing of Punjab with Homoeopathy.

Around 1846, a Homoeopathic hospital was started by Surgeon Samuel Brooking in South India at Tanjore and Paducuta, a homoeopathic hospital and free dispensary was started by Sir John Hunter Littler, Deputy Governor of Bengal and Presisdent of Council of India. It was looked after by Dr. Tonnere, an allopath who had converted to Homoeopathy. Dr. Rajendra Lal Dutta (Rajen Babu) had much to do in the foundation of this free dispensary and in helping Dr. Tonnere. Dr. Rajen babu was responsible for the establishment and spread of Homoeopathy in India once he himself started practicing Homoeopathy. Pandit Iswar Chandra Vidysagar and Raja Sir Radhakant Deb Bahadhur were miraculously cured by Dr. Rajen Babu with the help of Homoeopathy. This further helped in the propagation of homoeopathy in Calcutta. He later helped convert Dr. Mahendra Lal Sarkar to Homoeopathy. Dr. Sarkar played a key role in establishing Homoeopathy. Dr. Berigny, Dr. B.L.Bhaduri, Dr. P. Majumdar, Dr. Salzar etc. were prominent homoeopaths in those times who helped in its spread.

With the growing popularity of Homoeopathy, many unqualified people claimed to be homoeopaths and started practicing homoeopathy and many bogus institutions also started coming up. This gave a bad name to homoeopathy. It was then that a group of homoeopaths lobbied with the Government to recognize Homoeopathy as a system of medicine. After lot of efforts by many prominent homoeopaths finally in the year 1948, a Homoeopathic Enquiry Committee was set up by the Government. A Homoeopathic Advisory Committee was appointed in 1952. These committees led to passing of a Central Act in 1973 for recognition of this system of medicine. Homoeopathy was then accepted as one of the National Systems of Medicine in India.

The Central Council of Homoeopathy was constituted in 1974 by an Act of Parliament called “the Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973” in order to control the homoeopathic education system in India.

At present there are about 180 colleges and institutions in India teaching homoeopathy. There are lakhs of practitioners dispensing Homeopathic medications and successfully treating patients. Today, the faith in Homoeopathy has increased tremendously due to its safe, effective and natural mode of healing.